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Author Topic: Hello.  (Read 8933 times)

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« on: January 01, 2008, 06:44:08 pm »
I'm new here. (Bet you've heard that line a billion times. >_>)

I like the 3D Sonic games, Shadow the Hedgehog is my favourite, followed by Adventure 2.

I despise Heroes, Adventure is decent.

Big the Cat sucks.
SadisticMystic pwns SA2 & PokeStadium.
Paragod pwns time records in SA2.
DarkspinesSonic pwns STH360 and Drift. pretty much everything
yoshifan pwns SA2B, a bit of Shadow
GerbilSoft pwns at coding... PHP stuff.
Zeup pwns at looking at my sig and overanalyzing it.
PoT/FR7 pwns Paragod at Final Rush

vintage_21 pwns... nothing :(

Offline SuperSonic94

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Re: Hello.
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 06:45:06 pm »
I'm new here. (Bet you've heard that line a billion times. >_>)

I like the 3D Sonic games, Shadow the Hedgehog is my favourite, followed by Adventure 2.

I despise Heroes, Adventure is decent.

Big the Cat sucks.
Well, welcome to TSC, have fun here!
Good bye for now Sonic =(

Re: Hello.
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 06:46:15 pm »
I'm new here. (Bet you've heard that line a billion times. >_>)

I like the 3D Sonic games, Shadow the Hedgehog is my favourite, followed by Adventure 2.

I despise Heroes, Adventure is decent.

Big the Cat sucks.
Well, welcome to TSC, have fun here!

Heh heh. Thanks! :)
SadisticMystic pwns SA2 & PokeStadium.
Paragod pwns time records in SA2.
DarkspinesSonic pwns STH360 and Drift. pretty much everything
yoshifan pwns SA2B, a bit of Shadow
GerbilSoft pwns at coding... PHP stuff.
Zeup pwns at looking at my sig and overanalyzing it.
PoT/FR7 pwns Paragod at Final Rush

vintage_21 pwns... nothing :(

Offline Combo

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Re: Hello.
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 06:59:21 pm »
Hello! And yes Big sucks in Adventures.
PM me for Discord info!
Super Smash Brothers 64 - Look out for Combo Blaze on Kaillera!
Civilization V, Oldschool Runescape, Ragnarok Online (iRO), Touhou games.

Offline Waxwings

Re: Hello.
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2008, 07:09:48 pm »
Oh hi.

Shadow has some pretty mixed opinions, but there are quite a few people who really love the game here, and want new competition in that regard.

SA2 is generally the most competed game on site: even I've done a bit in it. New stuff is always being discovered there, it seems.

Re: Hello.
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2008, 07:13:41 pm »
Oh hi.

Shadow has some pretty mixed opinions, but there are quite a few people who really love the game here, and want new competition in that regard.

SA2 is generally the most competed game on site: even I've done a bit in it. New stuff is always being discovered there, it seems.

Yep, SadisticMystic keeps on ripping the game apart.

Like hovering for 1 minute in Eternal Engine...

Or climbing through a wall torch in Death Chamber.

Or using Chao Garden to get like... 6 seconds on Cannon's Core.

Or... you get the point.
SadisticMystic pwns SA2 & PokeStadium.
Paragod pwns time records in SA2.
DarkspinesSonic pwns STH360 and Drift. pretty much everything
yoshifan pwns SA2B, a bit of Shadow
GerbilSoft pwns at coding... PHP stuff.
Zeup pwns at looking at my sig and overanalyzing it.
PoT/FR7 pwns Paragod at Final Rush

vintage_21 pwns... nothing :(

Offline Cutiefox

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Re: Hello.
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2008, 09:25:06 pm »
Sorry, the lulz made me draw that :(

Offline X-5

Re: Hello.
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 12:19:24 am »
Hey there Cinos, nice to meet you. Welcome to our site =)

you seem really talkative, always a good thing

we seem to like the same games somewhat.. heros sucked and both adventures are pretty cool, tho I have never touched shadow. (Maybe I should, it only costs 10$ or so now probably which is what an hour of work? =P)

hope to see more of you around the boards!

Re: Hello.
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2008, 12:25:31 pm »
Hey there Cinos, nice to meet you. Welcome to our site =)

you seem really talkative, always a good thing

we seem to like the same games somewhat.. heros sucked and both adventures are pretty cool, tho I have never touched shadow. (Maybe I should, it only costs 10$ or so now probably which is what an hour of work? =P)

hope to see more of you around the boards!

Hmm... yeah. Heroes always disappointed me with it's slippery controls and boring level design. The "teamwork" thing sounds good in concept, but they effed it up.

I guess I like Shadow because I grew up with similar games, like Tomb Raider, Ratchet & Clank and many other 3rd-person shooters.

Sonic Adventure 2 comes close to Shadow, but I just can't like Tails & Eggman's gameplay and the missions were kind of bland:

"Mission 3: Find the freakin' lost chao that some how got stranded in some unaccessable place by using some lame music to activate a brown box that somehow convienently takes you to the Chao, even if the Chao is far off in the sky or buried in some random room out of bounds, you still have to waste your time finding the freakin' thing just to watch it bounce up and down like a mentally challenged person... err... chao. "

"Then you get an easy Rank A, and then scream at the game for not making the mission challenging enough and then right when you think the mission will never be played again, SadisticMystic comes out of nowhere and discovers some awesome way to get to the chao. So you try it out. Then yell in frustration that you wasted your time doing a Dreamcast-only trick on your GameCube."

"So then you go onto EBay and get a Dreamcast for dirt-cheap prices, but when you try to get SA2, you find out it's expensive as hell. So you jump up and down in anger, becuase you have nothing to play on your Dreamcast, so you buy some Dc games online, but it turns out the Dreamcast never worked in the first place, so you try to return it to the guy who sold it to you, but he has mysteriously deleted his EBay account."

"Then you fall on the floor, dead."

PPA's Pwnage Quote: "Then you fall through the floor, dead."

By the way don't call me "Cinos" becuase that's just "Sonic" backwards.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 02:03:45 pm by vintage »
SadisticMystic pwns SA2 & PokeStadium.
Paragod pwns time records in SA2.
DarkspinesSonic pwns STH360 and Drift. pretty much everything
yoshifan pwns SA2B, a bit of Shadow
GerbilSoft pwns at coding... PHP stuff.
Zeup pwns at looking at my sig and overanalyzing it.
PoT/FR7 pwns Paragod at Final Rush

vintage_21 pwns... nothing :(

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Hello.
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2008, 01:27:09 pm »

"Then you fall through the floor, dead."

Fix'd. Also hello and welcome to TSC.

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline bertin

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Re: Hello.
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2008, 03:11:35 pm »
Sup welcome to The Sonic Center!!!! like cutiefox said....WATCH OUT FOR RPG.


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